How do I find professional development offerings? Our upcoming professional development offerings are listed on our homepage event calendar; Click on Professional Development tab at the top right, then PD & Event Calendar. Upcoming events are viewable from the homepage. To receive notification of new professional development offerings, subsribe to "SST 10 Professional Development Announcements" by clicking "Sign Up" under Quicklinks. You can also click on the Professional Development tab in the top navigation bar for more information.
How do I find an SST10 sponsored event in OH|ID (formerly SAFE)? To find Region 10 professional development events in STARS, login to your OH|ID account, click on STARS v2.0 and select "Region 10 State Support Team" as the event sponsor/owner before searching. To locate a specific event, you may have to expand your search's date range to include all dates in a PD series or offering. For help locating an SST10 event, call (937) 236-9965.
How do I create a SAFE account to register for events in STARS? In May 2019, SAFE Accounts were integrated with OH|ID portal. Access information on creating a new account at the Ohio DOE.
I'm an early childhood professional. How do I create an Ohio Professional Registry (OPR) account? The Ohio Professional Registry is the online system that records staff profiles and professional development for licensing and Step Up to Quality (SUTQ). Early childhood professionals can search, register for and document required trainings and professional development hours in the OPR. Instructions for creating an account are available online at OCCRRA. There is now a professional development LPDC form for submitting information to the OPR (directions are included).